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Sample Health Ministry Committee

A congregational advisory committee, task force, health cabinet or health commission is vital to the success of health ministry. It works in partnership with the health ministry leadership to assess needs, plan and implement health activities that meet the needs of the people in the congregation and/or community. Below is one example of what an advisory committee might look like and what its responsibilities at-large might be.


  • This committee is intended to function as a standing committee of the congregation, meeting regularly to fulfill its responsibilities and functions.
  • The primary membership qualification should be based on interest in promoting health, healing and wholeness for the individual, congregation and community; interest in wholistic* health matters.
  • Membership includes people representing medicine, nursing, social work, education, social ministry, church board, youth, elderly, outreach ministries, etc.; includes people passionate about health and wellness
  • Size should vary depending on the needs of the congregation, with the focus placed on good working numbers (i.e., 4–8 members). Health ministry team leaders are included.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Plan and participate in an installation service (e.g., “Celebration of a New Ministry”).
  • Assist in a needs assessment groups, individuals and the congregation as a whole.
  • With the health ministry and pastoral team, develop strategies and programs to introduce the ministry of health to the congregation.
  • Conduct studies, surveys or other information gathering to help design appropriate programs and activities which meet demonstrated needs.
  • Monitor the development and activities of the health ministry leadership and the health ministry program.
  • Submit regular reports to pastoral and congregational leaders.
  • Generate support for and communications about the health ministry program.
  • Evaluate total health ministry program and make necessary recommendations regarding changes, additions, modifications, etc., to strengthen and enhance the congregation’s health ministry.

The content on this page was adapted with permission from Health Ministry in the Local Congregation: An Introduction and Opportunity by The Rev. Dr. Stephanie L. Ulrich, RN, SD. The full report is available here.

* The "w" is used with the word wholistic when speaking of health ministry and parish/faith community nursing. The Rev. Dr. Granger Westberg first advocated the use of the term "wholistic" to more closely relate the idea of being whole and to avoid confusion with the term "holistic" that connotes non-religious alternative health care practices.

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