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Wespath empowers you to secure your future by participating in the retirement plan(s) offered by your employer. Learn about retirement plans and eligibility for clergy, lay employees and missionaries.

UMC Clergy

Compass—Coming January 2026

Effective January 1, 2026, the new Compass plan will replace CRSP. Compass is a new account-based defined contribution (DC) retirement plan for eligible clergy of The United Methodist Church.

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Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP)

CRSP combines a defined benefit providing lifetime income based on years of service to the Church with a defined contribution account that provides flexibility. It also incorporates benefits from two predecessor plans: Ministerial Pension Plan and the Pre-82 Plan.

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Legacy Plan: Ministerial Pension Plan (MPP)

This plan was replaced by CRSP effective January 1, 2007. Existing MPP accountholders will continue to have funds invested and receive benefits from the plan.

Go to Ministerial Pension Plan

Legacy Plan: Pre-82 Plan

This plan was replaced by MPP effective January 1, 1982. Participants who were vested in the plan before 1982 will receive benefits from the plan.

Go to Pre-82 Plan 

Lay Employees and Clergy

Defined contribution plans, which are funded by the participant and/or the plan sponsor, provide flexible savings and investment options for lay employees and clergy.

Personal Investment Plan (PIP)

PIP is a 403(b) retirement savings plan for Methodist-affiliated churches, general agencies and other church-related organizations. Participants can make contributions through payroll deductions and may receive plan sponsor contributions. The full name of the plan may have a prefix; for example, for The United Methodist Church, the plan is referred to as the United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP).

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Retirement Plan for General Agencies (RPGA)

General Conference approved closure of RPGA in 2024. As of January 2025, the plan balances were transferred into UMPIP and RPGA was closed.


Horizon 401(k) Plan

Horizon is a 401(k) retirement savings plan for nonprofit and for-profit organizations. Participants can make contributions through payroll deductions and may receive plan sponsor contributions.

Go to Horizon 401(k) Plan

Video: DB and DC Retirement Plans

This video explains the difference between defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) retirement plans.