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The Health Check online health assessment is an important step toward improving your overall well-being and preventing disease. This online tool is a fast, easy and confidential way to evaluate how personal health factors and lifestyle habits may raise your risk for serious conditions like heart disease or diabetes.

The Health Check does not diagnose conditions, but it does provide information about how various factors may increase your likelihood of developing certain health conditions.

The Health Check is private—simply enter your information through a secure website. If you already took the Blueprint for Wellness screening, some of your health data will be conveniently and securely uploaded into your Health Check.

Your Health Check answers are used to create a customized report that includes your overall Health Check score as well as an assessment of your potential risk for conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers or depression. Health Check also offers practical suggestions for improving your scores—and your wellness—in target areas.

The Health Check is available to HealthFlex active plan participants only.

To take the Health Check, log in to the Personify Health website.

Benefit Bites: Health Check

What is Health Check? Who is eligible and how do you use it? Can you earn money by completing Health Check? This video answers these question and more.