Daily Fund Performance
Net-of-Fees (as of 03/24/2025 )
Fund | Current Price1 | Price Change2,3 | Year-to-Date3.4 |
Extended Term Fixed Income Fund | $11.7771 | -0.82% | 2.56% |
Fixed Income Fund | $34.4785 | -0.26% | 2.20% |
Inflation Protection Fund | $21.2000 | -0.19% | 2.94% |
International Equity Fund | $49.0217 | 0.14% | 5.94% |
Multiple Asset Fund | $46.9648 | 0.56% | 1.91% |
Short Term Investment Fund | $14.5877 | 0.01% | 0.91% |
Social Values Choice Bond Fund | $11.6764 | -0.44% | 2.50% |
Social Values Choice Equity Fund | $26.8429 | 1.33% | 1.08% |
Stable Value Fund | $1.0000 | N/A | 0.44% |
U.S. Equity Fund | $83.1458 | 1.77% | -1.80% |
U.S. Equity Index Fund | $31.5237 | 1.89% | -1.89% |
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund | $12.0858 | -0.38% | 2.91% |

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Historic Fund Performance - Month-End
Net-of-Fees (as of 02/28/2025)1,2
Annualized Returns | ||||||||
Fund | One Month | Year-to-Date | One Year |
Three Years |
Five Years |
Ten Years |
Since Inception3 |
Assets (millions) |
Extended Term Fixed Income Fund | 4.30% | 4.66% | 4.81% | -2.29% | -1.90% | - | 1.90% | $2,631 |
ETFIF Benchmark4 | 4.32% | 4.76% | 4.52% | -5.42% | -4.10% | - | 1.58% | |
Fixed Income Fund | 1.69% | 2.53% | 6.44% | 1.00% | 0.72% | 2.36% | 4.67% | $4,832 |
FIF Benchmark4 | 1.94% | 2.58% | 6.24% | 0.24% | 0.06% | 2.09% | 4.28% | |
Inflation Protection Fund | 1.49% | 3.05% | 5.26% | 0.88% | 2.95% | 2.68% | 3.62% | $1,144 |
IPF Benchmark4 | 2.04% | 3.63% | 6.92% | -1.44% | 1.70% | 2.80% | 3.92% | |
International Equity Fund | 1.02% | 4.78% | 6.67% | 0.88% | 5.37% | 4.62% | 5.98% | $3,850 |
IEF Benchmark4 | 1.05% | 4.74% | 8.91% | 4.14% | 7.48% | 4.87% | 5.22% | |
Multiple Asset Fund | -0.12% | 2.45% | 7.99% | 3.49% | 7.05% | 6.32% | 7.03% | $3,234 |
MAF Benchmark4 | 0.33% | 2.85% | 11.09% | 5.32% | 8.16% | 6.84% | 7.01% | |
Short Term Investment Fund | 0.31% | 0.67% | 5.11% | 4.13% | 2.46% | 1.81% | 1.66% | $187 |
STIF Benchmark4 | 0.32% | 0.69% | 5.12% | 4.15% | 2.56% | 1.84% | 1.64% | |
Social Values Choice Bond Fund | 2.38% | 3.06% | 6.94% | 0.42% | 0.40% | - | 2.11% | $132 |
SVCBF Benchmark4 | 1.94% | 2.58% | 6.24% | 0.24% | 0.06% | - | 1.92% | |
Social Values Choice Equity Fund | -0.60% | 3.03% | 14.64% | 10.48% | 14.07% | 10.24% | 10.41% | $221 |
SVCEF Benchmark4 | -0.72% | 2.78% | 14.41% | 10.34% | 14.02% | 10.24% | 10.44% | |
Stable Value Fund | 0.21% | 0.44% | 2.82% | 2.24% | 1.96% | 2.05% | 2.75% | $326 |
SVF Benchmark4 | 0.32% | 0.69% | 5.12% | 4.15% | 2.56% | 2.23% | 2.71% | |
U.S. Equity Fund | -2.70% | 0.39% | 10.79% | 7.73% | 13.47% | 10.80% | 8.20% | $5,162 |
USEF Benchmark4 | -1.92% | 1.18% | 17.53% | 11.59% | 16.12% | 12.36% | 8.86% | |
U.S. Equity Index Fund | -1.91% | 1.18% | 17.35% | 11.47% | 16.15% | 12.21% | 12.30% | $155 |
USEIF Benchmark4 | -1.92% | 1.18% | 17.53% | 11.59% | 16.12% | 12.36% | 12.46% | |
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund | 2.26% | 3.55% | 6.10% | -1.25% | 1.46% | - | 2.58% | $531 |
USTPF Benchmark4 | 2.28% | 3.61% | 6.41% | -0.99% | 1.74% | - | 2.85% |
Historic Funds Performance - Quarter-End
Net-of-Fees (as of 12/31/2024)1,2
Annualized Returns | ||||||||
Fund | Three Months |
Year-to- Date |
One Year |
Three Years |
Five Years |
Ten Years |
Since Inception3 |
Assets (millions) |
Extended Term Fixed Income Fund | -7.28% | -3.30% | -3.30% | -5.53% | -1.57% | - | 1.45% | $2,512 |
ETFIF Benchmark4 | -7.43% | -4.15% | -4.15% | -9.20% | -3.26% | - | 1.12% | |
Fixed Income Fund | -2.50% | 2.72% | 2.72% | -1.09% | 0.73% | 2.25% | 4.61% | $4,757 |
FIF Benchmark4 | -2.61% | 2.28% | 2.28% | -1.90% | 0.29% | 1.98% | 4.21% | |
Inflation Protection Fund | -2.44% | 1.26% | 1.26% | 0.10% | 2.41% | 2.51% | 3.50% | $1,112 |
IPF Benchmark4 | -2.64% | 2.22% | 2.22% | -2.50% | 1.26% | 2.64% | 3.77% | |
International Equity Fund | -7.90% | 2.02% | 2.02% | -3.39% | 2.41% | 4.65% | 5.84% | $3,714 |
IEF Benchmark4 | -7.61% | 5.23% | 5.23% | 0.50% | 4.12% | 4.91% | 5.08% | |
Multiple Asset Fund | -2.76% | 7.33% | 7.33% | 0.59% | 5.52% | 6.36% | 6.97% | $3,189 |
MAF Benchmark4 | -2.30% | 10.44% | 10.44% | 2.36% | 6.44% | 6.87% | 6.93% | |
Short Term Investment Fund | 1.22% | 5.28% | 5.28% | 3.88% | 2.40% | 1.75% | 1.64% | $217 |
STIF Benchmark4 | 1.18% | 5.28% | 5.28% | 3.92% | 2.48% | 1.77% | 1.63% | |
Social Values Choice Bond Fund | -2.56% | 2.63% | 2.63% | -1.74% | 0.54% | - | 1.75% | $127 |
SVCBF Benchmark4 | -2.61% | 2.28% | 2.28% | -1.90% | 0.29% | - | 1.62% | |
Social Values Choice Equity Fund | -0.97% | 18.21% | 18.21% | 5.93% | 11.62% | 10.26% | 10.26% | $216 |
SVCEF Benchmark4 | -0.65% | 17.66% | 17.66% | 5.72% | 11.49% | 10.26% | 10.26% | |
Stable Value Fund | 0.72% | 2.82% | 2.82% | 2.16% | 1.93% | 2.04% | 2.75% | $328 |
SVF Benchmark4 | 1.18% | 5.28% | 5.28% | 3.92% | 2.48% | 2.20% | 2.70% | |
U.S. Equity Fund | 1.34% | 16.72% | 16.72% | 4.72% | 11.75% | 11.06% | 8.23% | $5,283 |
USEF Benchmark4 | 2.63% | 23.81% | 23.81% | 8.01% | 13.86% | 12.55% | 8.87% | |
U.S. Equity Index Fund | 2.65% | 23.70% | 23.70% | 7.81% | 13.87% | 12.38% | 12.38% | $144 |
USEIF Benchmark4 | 2.63% | 23.81% | 23.81% | 8.01% | 13.86% | 12.55% | 12.55% | |
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund | -3.13% | 1.76% | 1.76% | -2.85% | 1.50% | - | 2.16% | $510 |
USTPF Benchmark4 | -2.96% | 1.76% | 1.76% | -2.62% | 1.77% | - | 2.43% |
Historic Funds Performance - Calendar Year
Performance, Net-of-Fees1,2
Fund | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |
Extended Term Fixed Income Fund | -3.30% | 9.81% | -20.59% | -2.26% | 12.10% | 14.04% | -2.23% | 7.62% | 5.44% | |
ETFIF Benchmark3 | -4.15% | 7.13% | -27.09% | -2.52% | 16.12% | 19.59% | -4.68% | 10.71% | 6.67% | |
Fixed Income Fund | 2.72% | 7.84% | -12.65% | -1.10% | 8.39% | 10.23% | -1.10% | 6.57% | 5.74% | -1.97% |
FIF Benchmark3 | 2.28% | 6.51% | -13.34% | -1.12% | 8.68% | 10.19% | -0.63% | 4.59% | 4.62% | 0.10% |
Inflation Protection Fund | 1.26% | 4.76% | -5.46% | 6.17% | 5.80% | 8.86% | -2.17% | 4.42% | 7.70% | -4.99% |
IPF Benchmark3 | 2.22% | 3.28% | -12.20% | 6.63% | 7.72% | 9.17% | -1.49% | 4.12% | 10.73% | -1.72% |
International Equity Fund | 2.02% | 11.97% | -21.06% | 4.40% | 19.67% | 25.23% | -13.78% | 30.56% | 6.02% | -6.46% |
IEF Benchmark3 | 5.23% | 15.62% | -16.58% | 8.53% | 11.12% | 21.63% | -14.76% | 27.81% | 4.41% | -4.60% |
Multiple Asset Fund | 7.33% | 13.72% | -16.63% | 8.75% | 18.21% | 21.08% | -6.14% | 17.98% | 8.41% | -2.56% |
MAF Benchmark3 | 10.44% | 15.59% | -16.00% | 11.61% | 14.17% | 20.78% | -6.47% | 16.95% | 8.58% | -0.90% |
Short Term Investment Fund | 5.28% | 5.17% | 1.24% | -0.15% | 0.58% | 2.54% | 1.62% | 0.90% | 0.46% | 0.03% |
STIF Benchmark3 | 5.28% | 5.05% | 1.47% | 0.05% | 0.67% | 2.28% | 1.87% | 0.86% | 0.33% | 0.05% |
Social Values Choice Bond Fund | 2.63% | 6.75% | -13.41% | -0.96% | 9.36% | 10.39% | -0.96% | 1.41% | - | - |
SVCBF Benchmark3 | 2.28% | 6.51% | -13.34% | -1.12% | 8.68% | 10.19% | -0.63% | 1.52% | - | - |
Social Values Choice Equity Fund | 18.21% | 26.02% | -20.19% | 24.65% | 16.94% | 29.23% | -7.75% | 21.53% | 6.97% | -1.13% |
SVCEF Benchmark3 | 17.66% | 25.73% | -20.13% | 24.87% | 16.77% | 28.76% | -7.55% | 21.60% | 7.19% | -0.66% |
Stable Value Fund | 2.82% | 2.26% | 1.40% | 1.41% | 1.79% | 1.86% | 1.79% | 1.50% | 1.36% | 4.28% |
SVF Benchmark3 | 5.28% | 5.05% | 1.47% | 0.05% | 0.67% | 2.28% | 1.87% | 0.86% | 0.33% | 4.30% |
U.S. Equity Fund | 16.72% | 22.20% | -19.49% | 20.26% | 26.17% | 29.55% | -5.48% | 19.92% | 11.53% | 0.08% |
USEF Benchmark3 | 23.81% | 25.96% | -19.21% | 25.66% | 20.89% | 31.02% | -5.24% | 21.13% | 12.74% | 0.48% |
U.S. Equity Index Fund | 23.70% | 26.11% | -19.67% | 26.06% | 21.18% | 30.88% | -4.99% | 20.34% | 12.35% | -0.16% |
USEIF Benchmark3 | 23.81% | 25.96% | -19.21% | 25.66% | 20.89% | 31.02% | -5.24% | 21.13% | 12.74% | 0.48% |
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund | 1.76% | 3.24% | -12.74% | 5.61% | 11.27% | 8.43% | -1.74% | 2.31% | - | - |
USTPF Benchmark3 | 1.76% | 3.84% | -12.60% | 6.00% | 11.54% | 8.75% | -1.48% | 2.33% | - | - |