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Collage of healthy people

GBHEM and Wespath logos

The well-being of United Methodist clergy profoundly affects the entire UMC Connection, including families of clergy, and the congregations and communities clergy serve. Over the past 10 years, Wespath Benefits and Investments has conducted a bi-annual survey to assess clergy well-being across five essential dimensions: emotional, physical, spiritual, social and financial. The data is deeply concerning—over the last decade clergy well-being continually declined in all five well-being dimensions.

While personal accountability and commitment to healthy choices is important, clergy cannot resolve these challenges on their own. Taking steps towards healthy clergy requires a fresh perspective that must begin with those who can influence change within The United Methodist Church.

This year, Wespath and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) are partnering to engage you—the leaders and changemakers in the UMC—to address systemic issues affecting clergy well-being. Use the information below to learn about the state of clergy well-being in each dimension, share your insights and find helpful resources to support clergy. We hope this information will inspire you to lead change for greater clergy well-being in the UMC.

image of rocks piled atop eachother

Spiritual Well-Being

Learn about the state of clergy spiritual well-being and find resources for support.

Spiritual Well-Being

Learn about the state of clergy spiritual well-being and find resources for support.

woman standing with arms stretched out facing the sunshine

Emotional Well-Being

Learn about the state of clergy emotional well-being and find resources for support.

Emotional Well-Being

Learn about the state of clergy emotional well-being and find resources for support.

stethiscope being held to a wallet

Financial Well-Being

Learn about the state of clergy financial well-being and find resources for support.

Financial Well-Being

Learn about the state of clergy financial well-being and find resources for support.

close up image of runner's shoes

Physical Well-Being

Learn about the state of clergy physical well-being and find resources for support.

Physical Well-Being

Learn about the state of clergy physical well-being and find resources for support.

Group of older friends at a table

Social Well-Being

Learn about the state of clergy social well-being and find resources for support.

Social Well-Being

Learn about the state of clergy social well-being and find resources for support.

middle aged couple walking

2023 Clergy Well-Being Report

Learn about the results of the 2023 clergy well-being survey, and find information from the past 10 years of reporting.

2023 Clergy Well-Being Report

Learn about the results of the 2023 clergy well-being survey, and find information from the past 10 years of reporting.