How Acts of Kindness Can Positively Impact Your Well-Being
What does kindness mean? Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate; however, we know that kindness takes on many different meanings and definitions. While you may make it a point to perform acts of kindness for others on a daily basis, what you might not know is the positive effect this has on your emotional, spiritual, physical, and social well-being.
Kind actions can boost our emotional, spiritual, physical and social well-being. According to Mental Health America, “psychologically, acts of kindness make us feel grateful, empathetic and compassionate. … Biologically, kindness releases chemicals like oxytocin, which helps us form social bonds based on trust.” It can also increase self-esteem and optimism.
Even the smallest of gestures can be impactful to yourself, while helping others. Here are some ideas for random acts of kindness that might not be on your daily routine:
Let someone in front of you in the line at the grocery store
Spread some encouragement on social media
Pay for someone’s morning coffee
Send a gratitude e-mail to a coworker who deserves recognition
Make someone laugh
Cook and drop off a meal for a friend, family member or neighbor
Let a fellow driver merge into your lane
Pick up trash lying on the street
Pray for someone you might never have thought of before
Try journaling about your random acts of kindness and how they may have paid off in your dimensions of well-being. Also note random acts of kindness that you have received and how they made you feel.