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Challenge Yourself! Do you know these 10 Key Financial Terms?

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Financial lingo is far from plain English. That can make it difficult to understand news about the financial markets—not to mention communications from Wespath about your benefits and investments.

April is National Financial Literacy Month so to help you make sense of the financial jargon, we created flash cards for 10 common financial terms.

After a little practice—or if you think you are already fluent in financial speak—you can test your knowledge with the quiz below.

Flash Cards: click the words below to see the definitions.


1. In his first Investment Insights blog post of 2022, Wespath general secretary and CEO Andy Hendren wrote, "We focus always on our core fiduciary obligation to our participants and investors to maximize returns—seeking _______, or excess returns compared to our performance benchmarks, wherever we can."
a. alpha
b. beta
c. gamma
d. delta

2. "When you strip away the fancy terminology, a stock's _____ is simply a measure of how risky that stock is," according to NerdWallet.
a. alpha
b. beta
c. gamma
d. delta

3. ____________________________ for clergy are traditional pension plans that provide a monthly benefit amount in retirement paid by the plan sponsor.
a. LifeStage Retirement Income
b. LifeStage Investment Management
c. Defined contribution plans
d. Defined benefit plans

4. ____________________________, which are funded by the participant and/or the plan sponsor, provide flexible savings and investment options for lay workers and clergy.
a. LifeStage Retirement Income
b. LifeStage Investment Management
c. Defined contribution plans
d. Defined benefit plans

5. Wespath has partnered with a well-regarded insurance company to provide a ___________________, which guarantees monthly retirement income payments starting at age 80 for as long as you and/or your spouse live.
a. Social Security bridge
b. Deferred annuity
c. LifeStage Retirement Income modeling tool
d. Horizon 401(k) Plan

6. At Wespath we take a comprehensive approach to sustainable investment that considers the impact of ___ factors as they relate to investment management.
a. MAF
b. IPF
c. ESG
d. GDP

7. Marketplace published a story after Silicon Valley Bank's (SVB) failure that stated, in part, "Some bonds are more sensitive to interest rates than others, depending on how long they take to mature. That so-called __________ risk is a large part of what got SVB into trouble."
a. Duration
b. Interest
c. Maturity
d. Fixed income

8. Wespath’s five Investment Beliefs include: 1. __________ Focus; 2. Integrated Sustainability; 3. Active Management and Engagement; 4. Diversified, Long-Term Perspective; and 5. Culture Based Upon Professionalism, Integrity and Diversity.
a. Fiduciary
b. Not-for-Profit
c. Service-Oriented
d. Risk-Adjusted Return

9. According to Investopedia, "___ provides an economic snapshot of a country, used to estimate the size of an economy and its growth rate."
a. MAF
b. IPF
c. ESG
d. GDP

10. Equities (or stocks), fixed income (e.g., bonds) and commodities are common examples of ________________.
a. Cash equivalents
b. Asset classes
c. Gross domestic product
d. Alternative investments

Additional Resources

Want to learn more? Check out Wespath's videos on LifeStage Retirement Income, Understanding Retirement Plans and our Fiduciary Focus Investment Belief.

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